What do you do when life seems out of control? Or when life simply gets too difficult to handle? That's when you need Power For Living. And how to get it is the theme of our program. Power For Living is the podcast of Christ the King Church at 4 Railroad Ave., Suite 303, Wakefield, MA. Visit our web...
Sometimes we wonder if we can trust someone. Is this person dependable? Are they consistent? In this week's Power For Living, we talk about the One who is above reproach and Whose record of consistency is perfect.
A basket case is someone or something that has lost control and is no longer useful. But in this week's Power For Living, we find out that when God is in it, He can use a "basket case" to bring deliverance.
Sometimes at work or in school, it seems like the boss or the teachers are pouring it on--tasks and assignments. In this week's Power For Living, we learn that when God pours it on, it's a good thing.
Sometimes we may believe we've messed up so badly, we'll never be able to clean-up our lives. In this week's Power For Living, we find out Who not only cleans us up, but gives our lives new meaning.
Sometimes it seems like the flood gates of life are thrown open and troubles are pouring in. In this week's Power For Living, we learn the best way to overcome adversity.
How many times have we seen signs of what's ahead and ignored them? That's not a good idea if you think about it. In this week's Power For Living, we find out that the Lord who is zealous for His church has been giving signs ...